Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) / Orthopantomogram (OPG) Scanner

State of the Art Radiography and Imaging

A CBCT / OPG scanner is used to produce high resolution 2D and 3D radiographic images of a patient’s mouth, including but not limited to teeth, bones, jaws and soft tissues.

At Bond Dental Clinic, we are dedicated to keeping current with the most advanced and innovative equipment to allow delivery of precision radiograph images for treatment purposes at the lowest possible radiation dosages.

We utilise the state of the art Dentsply Sirona Orthophos SL 3D to ensure that patients and referring dentists have access to the highest quality scanner on the market.
Some of the benefits of this model include:
  • DCS (Direct Conversion Sensor): uniquely high level of sharpness in panoramic and CBCT scans even at an extremely low radiation dose,
  • Optimised low dose mode with minimal dose of radiation where finest details are not crucial,
  • HDM (HD): High-Definition Mode for fine details where it required such as for endodontics,
  • Extraoral bitewing radiographs for anxious patients or patients with severe gagging reflux,
  • Wide range of different volumes for individual situations – from 5cm x 5.5cm to 11cm x 10cm

CBCT scanners provide 3D images that are indispensable tools for many complex treatments such as:

For patients that would like to book an appointment for radiographic scanning, we require a detailed referral from a dentist or doctor.
It is often the case that timely scans can be arranged at short notice.
All scans are accompanied by an assessment report by our Consultant Radiologist which is also forwarded on to the referring dentist or doctor.

We always advise that any scan is assessed by a professional radiologist and the cost of the combined scan and report is £280.

  • CBCT Scan (£180) and Radiographer's Report (£100) £280
  • OPG £80